What would your muse be ... Yannis / The Pilgrim Art?
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American Ugly - The Pilgrim Art |
Mit Anti.Muse ist es kein Geheimnis mehr, dass ich was übrig habe für Sub- und Gegenkultur. Als ich mitbekommen habe, dass es quasi direkt um die Ecke eine Ausstellung gibt, die sich zu Teilen genau damit befasst, habe ich nicht lange gefackelt, sondern bin hin, ins "Mein Haus am See", um mir die originalen Arbeiten des Künstlers The Pilgrim anzusehen. Geboren in den 80igern in Paris, lebt und arbeitet der Franzose zur Zeit in Berlin. Inspiriert von Dark Pop ist die beherrschende Farbe seiner Illustrationen schwarz. Außerdem ist Yannis, so der Name hinter dem Synonym, Teil der Band Les Pleureuses. Er benutzt also ganz unterschiedliche Ausdrucksweisen, um seiner Kreativität freien Lauf zu lassen. Zur Zeit ist er auf der Suche nach einem Tattoostudio, bei dem er in Lehre gehen kann. Apropos Tattoostudio, die nächste The Pilgrim Ausstellung findet auch in einem statt, im AKA in Berlin Neukölln nämlich, einem Studio, das gleichzeitig auch eine Kunstplattform und Galerie ist. Die Vernissage findet am 23.07. statt, markiert also eure Kalender, ich verpreche euch, dass es sich lohnt.
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Yannis aka The Pilgrim Art |
What would your muse be if it was ...
a book: "The Confederacy of Dunces" from Kennedy O' Toole. The author killed himself because he didn't find a publisher (then the book became a bestseller and won the Pulitzer). Some directors tried to adapt it into a movie, but it has always failed. I like the "curse" about this book (and the book itself obviously).
a movie: There's a lot. Right now I'm working on a poster of "The Doomed Generation" from Araki, so I would choose this one.
a city or place: Berlin because it's ugly and friendly. Budapest because it's cheap and friendly,
a sound or tune: "The Chauffeur" by Duran Duran. I heard this song for the first time when I arrived in Berlin.
a magazine: I don't read magazines.
a quote or a motto: "La vie est une farce, nous sommes le dindon." (Life is a prank, we are the turkey). Farce means prank but also stuffing in french, that's a punch untranslatable in english.
an artist: Caravage, I love his paintings and would have loved to live in the 16th century in Italy.
a style icon: Klaus Nomi
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She Lost Control - The Pilgrim Art |
With Anti.Muse it's no secret, I have a thing for sub- and counterculture. So when you find out about an exhibit celebrating exacly those in form of brilliant illustrations, you don't hesitate, you go. So I went to "Mein Haus am See" in april, to see the original works of an incredibly talented artist named The Pilgrim for the first time. Born in the 80ies in Paris, the French is currently living and working in Berlin. Heavily inspired by dark pop culture, the dominant colour of his works is black. Also part of the band Les Pleureuses, he uses different channels, expressing himself creatively. For the next step in his creative evolution, he is looking for a tattoo apprenticeship in Berlin. Also his next exhibit is taking place in a tattoo studio which is also an art and gallery space - AKA in Berlin Neukölln. The opening will be on july, 23rd. So mark your calendars and come around, I promise, it'll be worth it.
Let's stay in touch, follow Anti.Muse on Facebook and Instagram too. xxx
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The Apostle - The Pilgrim Art |
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