What woud your muse be ... Daniel Meyer?
Daniel Meyer ist das Leitbild, einer der Besten seines Fachs. Der Tattoo-Künstler aus Kassel ist bekannt für seine billante Dotwork Technik und seine Black Ink Arbeiten, die immer eine Referenz zu Okkultem, Mystischem oder Symbolischem aufweisen. Geometrische Formen und spirituelle Symbole verschmelzen in seinen düster-ästhetischen Designs zu wunderbaren Gesamtkunstwerken die im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes unter die Haut gehen. Daniel Meyer hat sich mit diesem ganz besonderen Stil bereits einen exzellenten Ruf erarbeitet, die Intensität mit der er sich dem Tätowieren verschreibt spiegelt sich in all seinen Arbeiten wider, seine Klientel geht ausschließlich mit einzigartigen "one of a kind" Daniel Meyer Originalen nach Hause. Perfection in tattooing - goal archieved. In der klassischen "What would your muse be ... ?" Formel nach seinen Musen befragt, redet der Künstler nun exklusiv auf Anti.Muse über sein Verhältnis zu Inspiration.
"Ok, this might sound a bit strange and get a little philosophical. But the truth is that I barely have time to read books. I know countless good movies, I like so many places, I listen to so many different kinds of music. I don't read magazines, I have no need for a motto in my life. I see so many great artists and I was never into style icons - but here are my "muses"".
Dann erzählt er: "I think as a designer or artist (btw. I hate the term "artist" because everyone is an artist somehow) you should get your inspiration or muse from your own life and your experiences. This is the only source from which there is an infinite amount of inspiration. All my work is somehow related to my personal life experiences. Sometimes it's just an interpretation of a thought or idea I had in my mind. That's why you always have to develop yourself. And don't get too distracted from all the stuff you see around you, which is told to be cool. Get the creativity from yourself. The musican Oliver Chesler from The Horrorist describes this in the right words, "Fall in love, scream and fight, drink and drug, find the bottom and climb to the top. That is the key of success for sure.""
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Daniel Meyer aka Das Leitbild |
Daniel Meyer is das Leitbild, one of the best in his profession. The tattoo artist from Kassel is well known for his brilliant dotwork technique and his black ink works which always comes up with references to the occult, mystics and symbolism. Geometric forms and spiritual symbols unite in his dark aesthetic designs, they become beautiful artworks which, in the true sense of the word, get under ones skin. Daniel Meyer has already earned an excellent reputation, the intensity with which he commtits himself to tattooing reflects in each and every one of his works, all of his clients get an exclusive one of a kind Daniel Meyer piece. Perfection in tattooing - goal archieved. Asked in form of the typical "What would your muse be ... ?" formula what inspires him, the artist reflects exclusive on Anti.Muse on inspiation and muses.
Here you can figure out Daniels breathtaking signature style. For requests please contact das Leitbild.
5 Kommentare
I love love love love his style! I've also found some amazing tattoos on Pinterest and I didn't know who was the artist, someone told me it was its work and I wad mind blown when I visited his site. I'm so glad you featured him! Amazing works I have no other words to describe them!
AntwortenLöschenwahnsinnig gute tattoos.
AntwortenLöschenWow! Richtig genial! Vor allem weil ich solche Tattoos vorher noch nie gesehen habe ♥
AntwortenLöschenVielen lieben dank für den netten kommentar auf meinem Blog.
AntwortenLöschenWow! das war gerade mein erster gedanke als ich diese wunderschönen Tattoos bestaunt habe ,danke für diesen interesannten Blog post ;)
Ich habe dich direkt abonniert und werde bestimmt nun öfter hier vorbeischauen .
Aller liebste grüße nach Berlin ,
wow, die Tattoos sind so mega schön <3
AntwortenLöschenThanks for taking your time to check out my blog :)