What would your muse be ... Elisa?
Heute wird eine Bloggerin hier zum ersten Mal Rede und Antwort stehen, Elisa von stylebizarre.com. Ihren Blog möchte ich euch unbedingt wärmstens ans Herz legen, denn er ist frisch, belebend und anders. Die in Rom geborene, in London lebende Kostüm Designerin beobachtet die Modewelt nämlich von ihrem ganz eigenen, immer wieder spannendem Standpunkt aus. Ein besonderes Augenmerk legt sie dabei immer wieder auf die alternative Fashion Szene, so berichtet sie u.a. von der "London Edge", der Fashion Trade Show für Alternative Fashion, kürt Yo-Landi Vi$$er von Die Antwoord mal eben zur neuen Muse und Jeremy Scott zum neuen Enfant Terrible des Catwalk. Dabei wirft sie immer wieder inspirierende Gedanken zu den Themen Leben und Bloggen auf und regt zum Nachdenken an. Ich freue mich jedes Mal wenn es einen neuen Blog-Eintag von ihr gibt, und wer weiß, vielleicht geht es euch ja auch bald so?!
What would your muse be if it was ...
a book: Infinity Net - The Biography of Yayoi Kusama. This book is so deep and inspiring because it's about the life of this awesome, brave, determined artist who lived all her life with one goal only: creating art.
a movie: Harold and Maude - Now, you need to watch this. It's about a teenager falling in love with an old lady, who teaches him to start living the life he was hiding from. Superb!
a city or place: Parks. Parks with a view possibly. Parks with a café with a view. I love sitting around reading my stuff, doodling, writing down some notes, ideas and be able to raise my head and see beautiful things. It's the same reason why I've always have my desks next to a window. I need to watch outside and see things. I'm a bit off topic here, so let me state the obvious. London, Berlin, Los Angeles, Paris.
a sound or tune: I could listen to the sound of water forever. No, not the tap dripping. Lakes and the sea for example. If I can't have some natural water, I'd go for Release - Pearl Jam. I've never had such a spiritual experience before. Or if I need to be inspired, relaxed, not very distracted, some classical music will do. (I gave three answers to this one!)
a magazine: Hunger. That is a bloody genius magazine.
an inspirational quote or a motto: "What would you do if you weren't afraid?" - I think that fear is our worst enemy, it is always keeping us from doing what we really want, and it forces us making up excuses for not doing it. It sneaks in our minds and litterally cut our wings, without us ever realizing.
an artist: Oh, I guess I already answered to this one on the first question! I'll choose another one then ... I may say Oscar Wilde here, not only because I love all his works, but also because he is another example of the artist which lives for his art and his way of being, and dies for it.
a style icon: I really can't answer to this one, I'm not stuck on a style so I have many. May I suggest you to have a look at my Pinterest boards (Especially The Beautiful People and Streetstyle & Bloggers) that's where I post the styles that inspires me.
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5 Kommentare
Wow, das klingt so ziemlich nach meinem Traumjob. Echt interessant! :)
AntwortenLöschenLiebste Grüße, Feli <3
Interesting kind of post :)
AntwortenLöschenDankeschön! Jap der Ausflug nach Essen hat sich wirklich gelohnt :)
AntwortenLöschenHört sich wirklich nach einer interessanten Bloggerin an :D Werde mir ihren Blog mal anschauen.
ja, ich starte demnächst auch mein projekt: online shoppen, nachdem ich immer jeweils ein paar kilos verloren hab. haha :D
AntwortenLöschenaber nicht für läden, die bei mir in der stadt sind.
hab jetzt eh ne viel bessere hose gefunden *-*
und danke :*
Thank you darling for featuring me in this post! It was really fun answering to your questions! And remember, we're all waiting for some pictures of you in here! ;D Keep up the good work <3 <3 (so I can keep up with improving my German understanding; for speaking and writing there's still lots of study to go haha)
AntwortenLöschenThanks for taking your time to check out my blog :)