Love Letter to my Blog

Wisst ihr, ich bin kein Likedigger, ich kann aufrichtig sagen, dass das, was mir dieser Blog bisher gegeben hat, sich nicht in Zahlen messen lässt. Mal davon abgesehen, dass mir dieser Blog dabei geholfen hat, auf ganz unterschiedliche Weise zu wachsen, davon Stück für Stück hässliche Unsicherheiten loszuwerden bis hin zu dem Glück, dass ich momentan vom Schreiben leben kann, hat mir Anti.Muse dabei geholfen, mich selbst zu finden und auf dem Weg wundervolle Menschen zu treffen.
Was bedeutet Anti.Muse also für mich? Anti.Muse steht für mich dafür zu versuchen, sich selbst zu gefallen, anstatt einer bestimmten Norm zu entsprechen. Anti.Muse bedeutet du selbst zu bleiben in einer Welt, die dich ständig zurecht biegen will, in einer Welt, die dir ständig erzählt, dass du nicht gut genug bist, es nie sein wirst. Anti.Muse bedeutet selbst deine eigene Vorstellung von Schönheit und Style zu definieren, deine Weirdness zu akzeptieren, ja sie zu umarmen. Anti.Muse bedeutet die Einzigartigkeit deines Wesen zu feiern, genauso wie Kreativität und Kunst. Anti.Muse bedeutet, mit der Dualität des Lebens, der Dualität in dir und um dich herum, zu leben. Anti.Muse heißt fallen und wieder aufstehen. Anti.Muse heißt, die kleinen Dinge des Lebens zelebrieren, aber nie aufhören, nach Größerem zu streben. Anti.Muse heißt, sich an dir selber festzuhalten, in guten wie in schlechten Zeiten. Wenn man so will ist Anti.Muse mein Weg, ja zum Leben zu sagen, ja zu einem Leben, in dem ich genauso wie einige von euch manchmal mit Einsamkeit oder Traurigkeit kämpfen muss. Es gab Zeiten, in denen hatte ich keine Energie dazu, mit dem Blog weiter zu machen, aber es gab auch Zeiten in denen genau mein Blog es war, der mich einfach hat irgendwie weiter machen lassen, wenn alles um mich herum oder in mir nur traurig war.
Dieser Blog Geburtstag ist für mich also ein wirklicher Grund zu feiern und das mache ich mit ein paar Freunden bei einem gemütlichen In-House Anti.Flohmarkt zu dem ihr herzlich eingeladen seid. Wir haben nicht nur Champagner, sondern auch Kuchen und Alternative Fashion Schnäppchen von Dr. Martens bis zu Pinup Girl Clothing, von T.U.K Shoes bis zu Mad Cult, einige der Sachen sind auf den Bildern hier zu sehen. Wenn ihr also in Berlin seid und Lust darauf habt, gemeinsam abzuhängen, dann kommt vorbei und sagt "HI", ich freue mich auf euch.
Hey girls and boys, some of you may have already heard via Instagram or Facebook that we have a thing going on this sunday. Yes, it's true, we're already celebrating our 4th birthday. Time flies, I can tell you! I sometimes can not believe, that it's already 4 years, that Anti.Muse is such a huge part of my life.
You know, I'm not a likedigger, I can honestly say, what this blog gave me so far is not measurable in numbers. Apart from the fact that this blog helped me grow in many ways, from getting more and more rid of ugly insecurities to finally write for a living, Anit.Muse helped me finding myself and so many wonderful people along the way.
So what does Anti.Muse mean to me? It means trying to please yourself and not the common standard. It means being yourself in a world that is constantly trying to tell you that you have to be this way or that way or that you're not and never will be good enough. It means defining your own terms of beauty and style and also accepting your weird and embracing it. It's about celebrating the unique human beings we are, it means celebrating creativity and art. It means living with the duality of life, outside and inside of yourself. It means breaking apart and getting up again. It means celebrating the small things in life but still not stopping striving for more. It means surviving. It means holding on to yourself, through good and bad. Anti.Muse is my way of saying yes to life in a way, coping with alienation, isolation, loneliness and depression some days, just like some of you do in silence. I sometimes couldn't bring up the energy to go on with the blog, but other times, when I was sad and couldn't express my sadness through words, this blog often just keept me going by doing something and eventually it helped me, to get through hard times, from losing loved ones to going through breakups.
So this birthday is really a reason to celebrate and I'm doing this with some friends and a little in-house Anti.Fleamarket which I invite you to join if you're around. We're not only having champagne and cake but also alternative fashion bargains from Dr. Martens to Pinup Girl Clothing, from T.U.K. Shoes to Mad Cult, some of them you see in the pictures of this post. If you're in Berlin and feel like hanging out together, getting to know each other or just say "HI", feel free to come around, I'm glad to meet you.
3 Kommentare
Happy b-day! I also get depression and feel like giving up a lot, buy I dont think I ever will. We have the same black vinyl dress btw xD Love the pink leopard pants!
HB !
AntwortenLöschenLove the rock'n'roll sweater !
AntwortenLöschenHas a guy ever given you mixed signals?
One minute he’s crazy about you and the next minute you have no clue if he ever wants to see you again?
And it’s especially hard when there’s something special between you and you have no idea what went wrong.
I assure you it’s nothing that you did.
In fact, he may even care about you a great deal and still not be able to stop himself from acting this way.
But why does this happen?
There’s one BIG reason why men do this...
And I discovered this eye opening video that will shed some light on this bizarre behaviour.
Insert subject line here and link it to: <=========> Your ex won’t be able to resist?
It all comes down to a missing “secret ingredient” that not one in a thousand women knows about...
And it’s the biggest factor that determines whether a man just “likes” you...
...or if he sees you as “The One.”
You see, this “secret ingredient” is so important to a man that no matter how attracted to you he is, or how strong your chemistry is...
If it’s missing, he’ll never be able to truly give his heart to you...
And he will always have an unshakeable urge to seek out a woman who has this one “secret ingredient.”
Here’s what I’m talking about: <=========> The difference between “like” and “love” (most women miss this)
On the other hand, when you know this powerful “secret ingredient”... won’t believe how effortless, passionate and bulletproof your relationship can be.
Trust me, this is going to blow you away.
Discover it here: ==> Men fall in love with women who have this “secret ingredient”
Thanks again.
Thanks for taking your time to check out my blog :)