We love: Yellow Hair
Neues Jahr, neue Haare, zumindest für mich. Blond ist meine solide Basis, aber von Zeit zu Zeit brauche ich Abwechslung und will mal was anderes sehen, wenn ich in den Spiegel schaue. Dieses Mal habe ich mich für gelb entschieden und finde mich damit in einer Riege wunderbarer Frauen wieder - die fabelhafte Cyndi Lauper, die ewig inspirierende Pam Hogg und Vivienne Westwood, die Grande Dame der Alternative Fashion wenn man so will. Sie alle hatten mal gelbe Haare und alle sahen mit dieser ungewöhnlichen Haarfarbe großartig aus. Während pastell Pink, softes Lila oder Mint die gängigen Farben sind, die man mal ausprobiert, wenn man einen alternativen Look versuchen möchte, ist gelb immer noch ein Statement und für gewöhnlich nicht die erste Wahl, dabei passt gelb großartig zu winter-blasser Haut, zu pinkem und zu rotem Lippenstift. Es verleiht einem all-black Look einen besonderen Touch und gibt jedem anderen Look ebenso etwas Besonderes. Habt ihr schon mal daran gedacht, euch die Haare gelb zu färben? Was ist eure Lieblingshaarfarbe und wem, denkt ihr, steht gelb am Besten?
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Famous yellow hair moments from Cyndi Lauper to Hayley Williams of Paramore. |
New year, new hair colour - at least for me. Blonde is my solid basis, but from time to time I need a change and want to see something different when I look into the mirror. This time I decided to go for yellow to find myself among wonderful women like the amazing Cyndi Lauper, the ever inspiring Pam Hogg or the grand dame of alternative fashion if you want so, Vivienne Westwood. All of them went yellow at some point in their hair history and all of them looked stunning rocking this unusual colour. While pastel pink, lilac or mint are the common colours to go for when striving for an alternative look, yellow is still a statement and usually not the first choice, even though it is a lot of fun. It matches pale winter skin and pink as well as red lipstick. It gives a special touch to an all black look but makes a great addition to every other look as well. Did you ever thought about going yellow? What's your favourite hair colour and who do you think is rockin yellow the best?
4 Kommentare
Wow, steht dir wirklich ganz großartig!
AntwortenLöschenI love yellow but it hugely depends on who's rockin it! You obviously look amazing in it, especially because of your complexion and your haircut which suits the colour well. I mean, regular people in that colour would just look like their hairstylist took LSD! :P Btw, it's a nice touch on the classic blonde, well done! PS: I'm jealous of your hair colour cause you can dye it any colour you want without bleaching it! My hair is darker than dark and I have to bleach it twice before getting any colour to stay!
AntwortenLöschenThis is fierce!!! <3 I love the way it looks on you, it suits you so much!
I am not much into dying my hair and infact have only balayaged it once but your yellow looks amazing! Never even would have though of it !
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