Fashion Film Friday #3 - MOVEment: Chalayan x AyaBambi and Ryan Heffington
Aus der MOVEment Serie von AnOther Magazine habe ich heute "Chalayan x AyaBambi and Ryan Heffington" für euch. Was diesen Fashion Film ausmacht sind scharfe Kontraste, do-die-for Kostüme und Kleider von Hussein Chalayan und eine heiße Performance des japanischen killer Dance-Duos AyaBambi. Die MOVEment Serie von AnOther Magazine ist eine experimentelle Erkundung von Tanz und Mode durch das Medium Film - passt doch perfekt zu unser neuen Rubrik Fashion Film Friday. Seht's euch an und lasst mich wissen ob es euch gefällt, nice weekend everyone.
Out of AnOthers mags MOVEment series, which is all about the exploration of dance and fashion through film, I have "Chalayan x AyaBambi and Ryan Heffington" for you, for this weeks Fashion Film Friday, our new column that serves you a brilliant fashion film as a treat for your start into the weekend, every friday. What we have here are sharp contrasts, amazing dresses and costumes by Hussein Chalayan and a performance by japanese killer dance duo AyaBambi. Enjoy!
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