Aviv Benn by Stephanie Wächter |
Vor kurzem war ich in einer Galerie, die ich schon eine ganze Weile mal besuchen wollte. Jedes Mal wenn ich daran vorbei gelaufen bin, habe ich durchs Fenster geschaut um zu sehen, was ausgestellt war. Als ich das letzte Mal vorbei gelaufen bin, wurde grade eine neue Ausstellung aufgebaut, die sah so spannend aus, dass ich sie dieses Mal auf gar keinen Fall verpassen wollte. Also ging ich am 17. März zur Art von Frei Galerie um mir "SHARE YOUR TEETH (WITH THE ONES YOU LOVE)", die erste Solo Ausstellung von Aviv Benn, kuratiert von Tina Sauerländer, anzuschauen und ich war begeistert und bin verliebt in das, was ich vorgefunden habe.
Die Ausstellung glich einer pinken "Dia de los Muertos" Explosion und tatsächlich geht es bei "SHARE YOUR TEETH (WITH THE ONES YOU LOVE)" um den Tod. Um mit der menschlichen Endlichkeit fertig zu werden lacht Aviv Benn in ihren Bildern über sie. Die Künstlerin nimmt die Einheit des menschlichen Körpers auseinander. Körperteile wie Köpfe, Hände, Beine führen in ihren Bildern ein Eigenleben. Cartoons, eine gewisse Punk-Ästhetik, Vanitas Darstellungen oder Darstellungen des Totentanzes, genauso wie die Street Art Szene des New York der 80iger Jahre beeinflussen die Arbeiten der Künstlerin.
"SHARE YOUR TEETH (WITH THE ONES YOU LOVE)" ist die erste, umfassende Solo-Ausstellung der zur Zeit in Berlin lebenden, aus Tel Aviv stammenden Künstlerin. Ich konnte mich glücklich schätzen, sie am Abend der Ausstellungseröffnung zu erhaschen, um sie zu fragen, ob sie Lust darauf hat, an meiner Interview-Serie "What would your muse be ..." teilzunehmen und so habe ich heute ein exklusives Q&A mit Aviv Benn für euch. Die Ausstellung "SHARE YOUR TEETH (WITH THE ONES YOU LOVE)" könnt ihr euch noch bis zum 24.04.16 in der Art von Frei Galerie in der Brunnenstraße 187 in Berlin ansehen. Am 10.04. findet von 16:00 bis 18:00 Uhr ein Artist Talk mit Aviv Benn statt, bei dem ihr neues Buch "TEETH DREAM" präsentiert wird. Wenn euch Aviv Benns Arbeiten gefallen dann folgt ihr doch auf Instagram um keine Neuigkeiten zu verpassen.
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"Stop Asking Questions That Don't Matter Anyway" by Aviv Benn |
What would your muse be if it was ...
a book: My art books. ALL OF THEM! I always like to joke and say that if there's a fire I will run to save them first thing. As a painter you are told it is better to see paintings in person and a lot is lost in translation when you see a reproduction. But I think an art book offers an intimate and personal way to experience painting.
a movie: Jim Jarmusch's "Limits of Control". A stunning film that offers a glimpse to the mind of a truly creative individual and the intense journey he has to go through to find himself.
a city or place: I love gray cities - the dirt, the street art, people watching on public transport. That's why I love Berlin and my hometown of Tel Aviv: they are both ugly in a very endearing way.
a sound or tune: The voice of Matt Berninger / the lyrics of Andrew Bird.
a magazine: Painter's Table
a quote or a motto: "It was too much of a painting.", a quote of the American painter and my all-time favorite - Philip Guston. While working in his studio on a painting that was almost finished, he realized it wasn't ground breaking enough. He felt he didn't learn anything from it. So he decided to completely destroy it. I think it's a brave and important motto for painters and maybe for life in general - when you get too comfortable it's time to change everything and start over in order to become better and smarter.
an artist: Any painter with guts.
a style icon: Jarvis Cocker circa 1995.
Lately I've been to a gallery in my neighbourhood which I wanted to check out for quite a while. Every once in a while when I was passing, I was sneaking into their windows to see what they have displayed. The last time I walked past I saw people setting up a new show and it looked very promising, so I made sure to not miss out on the opening this time. So on march 17th I went to Art von Frei Gallery to take a look at "SHARE YOUR TEETH (WITH THE ONES YOU LOVE)" by Aviv Benn, curated by Tina Sauerländer and I was excited and enthusiastic about what I found.
The exhibit seemd like a pink "Dia de los Muertos" inspired art explosion to my eyes and my heart and in fact "SHARE YOUR TEETH (WITH THE ONES YOU LOVE)" is about death in many ways. As a way to deal with mortality Aviv Benn ironically laughs at death with her paintings. The artist dissects the perfect entity of the body into seperate parts that do not decay, but come to life individually. Cartoons, punk aesthetics, depictions of vanitas or danse macabre as well as the New York street art scene of the 80ies have been influencing the visual language of the artist.
"SHARE YOUR TEETH (WITH THE ONES YOU LOVE)" is the first comprehensive solo show of Aviv Benn, an artist from Tel Aviv, currently living in Berlin. I was happy to catch her on the evening of the opening, to ask her if she'd like to contribute to my interview section "What would your muse be ...". So here we go with an exclusive Q&A with Aviv Benn on Anti.Muse. If you like to go and see "SHARE YOUR TEETH (WITH THE ONES YOU LOVE)", you still have time, the show is running til april 24th. On april 10th you can come by the gallery from 3 to 6 pm for an artist talk with Aviv Benn, including cake, coffee and a book presentation of her book "TEETH DREAM". To stay up to date on her work you can also follow Aviv Benn on Instagram as well.
Artist book "TEETH DREAM" by Aviv Benn. |
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"Big Heart" by Aviv Benn |
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Untitled (So Delicious) by Aviv Benn |
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"Sleep Tight Little Skull" by Aviv Benn |
"Exquisite Corpse" by Aviv Benn |
"Exquisite Corpse" by Aviv Benn |
1 Kommentare
Wow, da sind ein paar sehr coole Sachen dabei!
AntwortenLöschenThanks for taking your time to check out my blog :)